RETAIL HOURS: Mon 2:00 -4:30 PM Tuesday - Friday 2:00 to 7:30 PM & Sat 10AM-2:00 PM
RETAIL HOURS: Mon 2:00 -4:30 PM Tuesday - Friday 2:00 to 7:30 PM & Sat 10AM-2:00 PM
Signed in as:
We are looking forward to seeing you for some one on one music lessons. We understand that the last few months of stay-safe at home have played a part in allowing us to open at partial occupancy.
We are following the guidelines for the reopening of Connecticut and CDC protocols. We will need to follow these guidelines to have a fun and safe music program here at Face Arts Music.
What are we doing to keep our students and staff safe?
Control access to the facility
· Prohibiting entry into the facility for non-essential visitors.
· No waiting area’s inside the facility
· Interviewing approved visitors about their current health condition and recent travel history.
· Using soap and water or hand sanitizer at point of entry to the facility and in lesson areas
Lesson rooms:
· We are limited to three lessons rooms to accommodate teacher and student social distancing.
· Lessons rooms will allow social distancing as per the state of Connecticut guidelines
· Staggering online and in-person
Cleaning Protocol
· Using EPA registered cleaning products
· Following protocols as recommended by the CDC
· Schedule of daily cleaning in place
· Following guidelines for proper social distancing
· Restroom visit by students will be monitored and the restroom will be cleaned after each use
· Disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces may be wiped down
Student and Parent Requirements:
Face Masks or Cloth Face Coverings Required
· Students must wear self-provided face mask upon arrival to enter the facility
· Students shall be required to wear face mask when not participating in woodwind or vocal activities (note students not wearing a mask must keep a social distance of 6ft when using their instrument)
· Face mask may be removed when eating or drinking food and snacks those students bring with them.
We would like to ask that you don’t bring food or snack with you unless absolutely necessary
· Nothing in these rules shall require the use of a mask or cloth face covering by anyone for whom doing so would be contrary to his or her health or safety because of a medical condition.
· Student and coaches must wear mask at all times if less than a 6 foot distance is between coach and student.
· May bring their own water bottle that must stay with them
· Students should not bring food or share food or drink with other students
· Students should keep all personal belongings with them
· Students are advised to follow the CDC guidelines for preventing transmission of COVID-19 including:
Washing hands frequently for at least 20 seconds and/or using hand sanitizer, avoiding touching mouth and nose, avoiding close contact with others, using cough and sneeze etiquette, and staying at home when sick
Parent Guidelines
· Parent/legal guardian must take student/child’s temperature before coming to lesson.
· If your child has a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit please notify Face Arts Music
Immediately and keep your child home
· Students who have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should notify medical professionals, Face Arts Music and stay home.
· If your child does have fever we reserve the right to ask your child to move to online lessons for an incubation period of 14 days, 2 lesson periods. If no flu like symptoms are visible and your child does not have a fever after the incubation period your child may return to on site lessons.
· Face Arts Music may at times require temperature reading before allowing a student to enter the building. This will be done by our administrator with a non-contact thermometer.
· We ask that you inform us if you or someone in your household, has traveled to high risk areas, and/or has been exposed to someone with flu like symptoms. If this is the case we reserve the right to ask your child to move to online lessons for an incubation period of 14 day, 2 lesson period. If no flu like symptoms are visible and your child does not have a fever, your child may return to on site lessons.
· If your child is not able to wear a face mask due to a medical condition you must notify Face Arts Music, we reserve the right to ask that your child continue with online lessons.
· Parents will not be allowed in the building, the child will be sent out for pickup.
448 Main Street Bld2
Deep River, CT 06417
(860) 526-1190
Servicing communities near and far
Copyright © 2020 Face Arts music - All Rights Reserved.